
Hi Mechanics!
Another fantastic month has passed! Feels like we’ve been working 25 hours a day this last month and the coffee machine at Scrap Mechanic HQ has been put through the ultimate stress test. Bugs have been squashed and awesome has been added. Highlights? Highlights:
- Build a Great-looking Hideout. Fast!
Our base blocks have really been improved with new textures! They’ve gone from basic, plain colors to now looking like different materials. Best of all, they’ve all got different weights, so keep that in mind when you build vehicles. These blocks can be scaled to build big structures in no time at all!
- Fluffy New Clouds
Since we started work on the game we’ve badly needed a neat skybox - we just never got round to making one. Something wonderful happened the other day though, when our talented artist created a flying machine and took to the sky with his mighty pencil. The result is nice: stylized, but not childish. Just the way we wanted them. Unfortunately our artist crashed somewhere and got stuck in a giant pine tree. We hope for his speedy return with fingers and talent intact.
- Scrap Mechanic on Steam!
Hold on Mechanics! Calm down! This doesn’t mean the game is out yet, but it does mean we’re currently implementing the game with Steam. We’re still making daily changes and testing it all out, and we’ll be in that phase just a little longer. All this means that we’re getting closer, so it’s still great news!
- Terrain in Creative Mode
We’ve added more vegetation, grass types and rocks! The Creative Mode terrain is starting to look nice and lush. It’s gonna be a great place to test out your machines, and we’ve even added a few sweet jump ramps here and there for all you daredevils!
- New, Exciting Building Parts!
We’ve added lots of new building parts for you to use in your creations. The game now has over 100 building parts, all lovingly modeled and designed from the ground up. We won’t be showing you all of them until you get your hands on the game, but some of them are straight up silly. Like this toilet paper roll… Yes, you can actually make a house or vehicle out of toilet paper.
- General Fixes, Improvements
Maybe not the most fun to read about, but a lot of our time has gone into actually cleaning things up. Adjusting and improving. We aim to make sure that the game maintains a good experience for the players throughout Early Access, and for that we need to make sure the framework is as neat and stable as possible.
- Release Date Coming Soon!
We’re really excited to let you know that we’ll be releasing Scrap Mechanic to early access pretty soon. We’ve finally reached the point where we feel the game can offer a lot of fun playtime in its current state. The first early access release comes with a creative mode filled with over 100 parts that will allow you to build some truly amazing machines. It also comes with an easy to use in game handbook explaining how all the tools and items work. The creative mode world is not endless, but is more than big enough to build just about anything you want. Oh, and it comes with multiplayer support so you and your mechanic friends can be creative together.
Stay tuned for a release date and price in the coming weeks!