Greenlight progress and some answers!

Hey Mechanics!
It’s been just over a week now since we made our Greenlight page public, and we’re so stoked to see that a clear majority of you are excited to play Scrap Mechanic! This is a game we’ve put all of hard work into, and you’re making all the time and care we’ve spent over the last few years truly feel worth it. A huge thanks to everyone who’s supported us so far!
We’re working crazy hard to make sure Scrap Mechanic is the best creative survival game you guys can put your hands on, so please keep the votes coming!
We’ve noticed that we’ve had a few questions popping up that are rather a lot more frequently asked than others:
Are the transforming vehicles I see in the trailer player-made?
- Yep! They’re all made in-game. You can create some truly impressive transformation in Scarp Mechanic, and we’re incredibly happy with how this feature turned out. All of the creations you see in the trailer are made by the team in-game.
Is the terrain going to vary across many different areas?
- The released version is going to have much more variation and detail. From lush forests to fields and huge mountain ranges, with tons more that we plan to reveal later. Our incredibly talented artists are adding new things to the terrain every day!
When are you going to show me some more gameplay footage?
- Soon! You’re not gonna wanna miss out on what we’ve got to show you next, which is obviously why you should be following us on Facebook and Twitter if you’re not already, so you can stay bang up to date on all of our latest news and progress.
Thanks once again for all your support!