Associated object type: Interactable
An interactable shape is any part that has additional functionality or abilities. The player can interact with an interactable shape by pressing `E` on it, or connect it to other interactables with the Connect Tool.
sm.interactable.actions table
Actions are used to specify what inputs types an Interactable is able to detect.
sm.interactable.connectionType table
The interactable sends or reads a boolean signal to signal it's current state. (isActive) to signal its output.
In: The interactable reads a boolean (isActive) from its parent as input.
Out: The controller uses a float (getPower) to signal strength output (steering only).
In: The controller reads a float (getPower) from its parent as input for strength.
none | 0 |
logic | 1 |
power | 2 |
bearing | 4 |
seated | 8 |
piston | 16 |
gasoline | 256 |
electricity | 512 |
water | 1024 |
ammo | 2048 |
sm.interactable.steering table
Flags to be used with the steering component.
sm.interactable.types table
"electricEngine" |
"gasEngine" |
"steering" |
"seat" |
"controller" |
"button" |
"lever" |
"sensor" |
"thruster" |
"radio" |
"horn" |
"tone" |
"logic" |
"timer" |
"particlePreview" |
"spring" |
"pointLight" |
"spotLight" |
"chest" |
"scripted" |
"piston" |
"simpleInteractive" |